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Εορτάζουμε και Tιμούμε

Δευτέρα 21 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Κάνε μιά προσευχή για τη Μυρτώ

Χθες βρήκα λίγο χρόνο να κάνω μία επίσκεψη στη Μυρτώ που νοσηλεύεται σε νοσοκομείο της Βοστώνης. Στο πλάϊ της, μέρα και νύχτα, η Μητέρα της Μαρία.
Πλησίαζε το δειλινό όταν στάθμευσα το αυτοκίνητο μου στο υπόγειο γκαράζ και πήρα τον ανελκυστήρα για να πάω στο πρώτο πάτωμα του νοσοκομείου. Ο υπεύθυνος στη ρεσεψιόν μου έδωσε τον αριθμό δωματίου που ήταν η Μυρτώ. Μπαίνω σε άλλο ανελκυστήρα και φτάνω στον 7ο όροφο. Η κουρτίνα στη πόρτα του δωματίου είναι τραβηγμένη και από το καροτσάκι που είναι σταθμευμένο απ' έξω αντιλαμβάνομαι ότι το προσωπικό του νοσοκομείου είναι μέσα και κάνει κάποια δουλειά. Περιμένω υπομονετικά ώσπου βγαίνει η μητέρα της Μυρτώς. “Περιμένετε λίγο, τελειώνει” μου είπε και πράγματι σε 2-3 λεπτά πέρασα στο δωμάτιο που έχει μία υπέροχη θέα, βλέπει στο λιμάνι της Βοστώνης.
Στο κρεβάτι ένας "ξανθός άγγελος" 16 χρονών κοιμάται. Είναι η Μυρτώ που πριν 15 μήνες πήγε για διακοπές στην Πάρο και έπεσε θύμα ενός Πακιστανού που προσπάθησε να την βιάσει και όταν η Μυρτώ αντέδρασε της κτύπησε το κεφάλι στα βράχια και μετά με μία μεγάλη πέτρα της προκάλεσε σοβαρές κρανιο-εγγεφαλικές κακώσεις!!! 
Από τότε άρχισε το δράμα της Μυρτώς και της οικογένειας. Μετά από τέσσερις μεγάλες εγχειρήσεις στην Ελλάδα μεταφέρθηκε στη Βοστώνη όπου υποβλήθηκε σε πέμπτη εγχείρηση στο Γενικό Νοσοκομείο της Μασσαχουσέττης και τώρα βρίσκεται σε ειδικό νοσοκομείο δίνοντας τη δική της μάχη.
Πριν 2 εβδομάδες στο Μαλιώτειο Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο αφιερώσαμε στη Μυρτώ την μουσική παράσταση που έδωσε ο Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος Άνω Σύρου σε ποίηση του Νίκου Γκάτσου. Στην παράσταση μερικές καλές Ελληνίδες είχαν φέρει και την μητέρα της Μυρτώς για να ξεφύγει λίγο αφού είναι μαζί με τη Μυρτώ επί εικοσιτετραώρου βάσεως.
Στη μουσική παράσταση ζήτησα από το ακροατήριο να κάνει μία προσευχή για τη Μυρτώ. Τώρα ζητώ από εσάς, όλους και όλες, να κάνετε μία προσευχή για αυτή τη κοπέλα, το αθώο θύμα που βρέθηκε στο δρόμο ενός παλιανθρώπου από το Πακιστάν . Αυτές τις ημέρες η Ελληνική δικαιοσύνη “πιάνεται” πάλι με το θέμα και πρέπει να λογοδοτήσει ο δράστης ο οποίος είναι κλεισμένος στη φυλακή.
Παραθέτω άρθρα που βρήκα στο διαδίκτυο για το τι έγινε στην Πάρο πριν 15 μήνες. 
Σας ζητώ και πάλι κάντε μία προσευχή. Οι γιατροί έκαναν και κάνουν το καθήκον τους και πιστεύω ότι με τις προσευχές όλων μας και τη βοήθεια του Θεού η Μυρτώ θα γίνει καλά.
Βασίλης Καυκάς
Βοστώνη, ΗΠΑ

Rapist from Paros faces the prosecutor

05 August 2012 / 12:08:34  GRReporter

- See more at: http://www.grreporter.info/en/rapist_paros_faces_prosecutor/7431#sthash.ghs0yNci.dpuf

The 21-year-old foreigner, probably of Pakistani origin, has pleaded guilty for the rape and beating of 15-year-old Myrto on 26 July on the island of Paros. "I saw her climbing up the rocks with headphones in her ears and I tried to take her mobile phone. She opposed me and I got angry. I started hitting her head on the rocks in order for her to stop. When she fell unconscious, I took her clothes off", said Ali M. to the police. During the search of his apartment in Paros, the police gathered genetic material, which coincided with the semen found on the clothes of the girl. Upon his arrest, a second sample was taken, which also coincided with the DNA, found on the victim.
Yesterday morning the criminal was taken to the Athens Security Service after the police had traced his cell phone and had found his accommodation in Piraeus, where he lived with two fellow countrymen. All three were arrested with invalid documents, because they were residing illegally in Greece.
In the afternoon he was taken to the island of Syros, where he testified before the district prosecutor. On getting off the ferry, passers-by booed the police cars, one of which was transporting the criminal.

The Pakistani raped calmly and consciously

08 August 2012 / 22:08:39  GRReporter
3225 reads
The rapist from Paros is in the prison for juvenile delinquents in Avlonas in Athens from today. He appeared before the prosecutor in Syros yesterday and made a confession. According to the defender from Mykonos, who took over his defence, he apologized to the victim's family and society and did not deny any of the offences listed in the indictment. He rebutted only the date of birth, which was written in the documents and stated that he was born in 1993 not in 1991.

He then described the offence with very cynical and shocking candour. "I turned the girl on her back and hit her with a large stone, about five kilograms in weight, over the left eye. I took her by the neck and tried to hide her in a cleft, but she resisted and cursed me. I was hitting her with the stone continuously... I saw her face bleeding and threw the stone into the sea. In the beginning, I decided to steal her mobile phone to sell it and send the money to my sick mother in Pakistan, who needs it. To be able to get close to her I pretended that I was speaking on the phone. Then I pressed her in order not to allow her to respond and took her phone. She was moving and I hit her several times on the body by hand. I took off her pants and bathing suit and raped her. I wiped myself with her clothes. I threw away her bathing suit and pants to prevent her from escaping quickly and seeking help. Then I tried to hide her in the cleft and began hitting her with a stone. I left her there and went to the restaurant where I worked. I threw the phone in the hotel waste." According to sources, the Pakistani said in the next part of his story that he had fulfilled his duties in the hotel and watered the gardens.
Data collected so far indicate that everything had happened within half an hour. As the mother of 15-year-old Myrto pointed out in her testimony, she and her two daughters had gone to a small beach near the Golden Coast beach in the early afternoon on 22 July. At about 6 pm, the girl had told her mother she would go to the rocks to go to the toilet and she came back quickly.
A little later, Myrto asked her mother is she could go back to the rocks of the Golden Coast beach to listen to some music from her mobile phone. She also told her mother to call her when they would leave the beach.
"I started ringing her mobile phone after half an hour, but it did not work. I set off to the rocks on foot and then by my car to search for her. I was ringing her phone all the time but it was not working. Then I went to the beach in Punda by car and took my other daughter to search for Myrto together. We went back to the Golden Coast beach and looked for her. At one point, I went to the other side of the beach to Poseidon hotel and then I thought I saw her on the opposite cliffs. Then we went there with my other daughter and found her."
The Pakistani described in his testimony how he had arrived in Greece. He said that he had arrived in 2010 and entered the country from Turkey. He had lived in the area of ​​Oropos near Athens at first and then went to Paros, where he found a job in a hotel. His duties were "to water the grass" for 450 euro per month.

The rapist's story continues: "The previous day, on Saturday, with a friend from Pakistan we went to the fair in the village of Piso Livadi. We left from there at 4 am and I slept at my friend's apartment, which is located near a petrol station. We had to celebrate Ramadan on Sunday but we slept until very late. When we got up, we ate and watched TV. I decided in the afternoon to go back to the restaurant where I worked. I was dressed in white pants and a blue jersey. When I passed along the beach, I saw a woman swimming in the sea. Two men passed by at the same. I saw the 15-year-old girl on the rocks shortly thereafter."
The Pakistani had also said that after the attack he returned to his room in the basement of the hotel where he bathed and washed his clothes.
The testimony of one of the waiters in the restaurant was particularly important for the investigation. "I had just come back from the scene of the attack and was having dinner when I saw Ali going to his room. I asked him about the case later and he told me that he saw two cars at the scene of the attack."
The testimony of the owner of the hotel was crucial. "Ali told me that he would leave for Pakistan because his grandmother had died. Then he turned off his phone. He called to tell me that the police had caught him on Omonia Square together with another boy from Bangladesh. I did not talk to him after that."
The rapist from Paros was transported to Piraeus by police car under extremely high security measures. 
- See more at: http://www.grreporter.info/en/pakistani_raped_calmly_and_consciously/7440#sthash.smBDBNQN.dpuf

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